Dreamcatchers 101
Where do dreamcatchers come from?
Dreamcatchers originate from Native American tribes, particularly the Sioux. An old Sioux master, Iktomi, created a hoop from a willow branch and wove a web using horsehair, feathers, seeds, and beads. As he wove, he explained that the web symbolizes life's circles, capturing good ideas and dreams while letting bad ones pass through the center hole.
What is their purpose?
Traditionally, each dreamcatcher should be personalized to filter negativity and enhance its protective power. Without activation, it remains a decorative object. Regular "energetic cleaning" is important to maintain its protective properties.
What should be done?
To clean a dreamcatcher, perform a sage ritual. Light sage, let it burn for a minute, then extinguish the flame. Purify the amulet with the smoke, moving clockwise around the room. Hold the dreamcatcher at eye level and ask it to act as a protector. Thank it for its service.